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Amanda Knox On Stillwater Movie


Amanda Knox Speaks Out Against 'Stillwater,' Filmmakers' Responsibility to Truth in Fiction

By Matt Collette and Lauren Katz

August 5, 2021, 10:05 PM EDT

In the wake of the release of the new movie "Stillwater," starring Matt Damon, Amanda Knox has spoken out against the film, criticizing its portrayal of her wrongful murder conviction in Italy.

Knox, who was exonerated in 2015 after spending four years in prison for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Perugia, has said that the film's depiction of her case is "deeply offensive" and "exploitative." In a lengthy essay for Medium, Knox criticized the filmmakers for failing to contact her or her family before making the film, and for choosing to sensationalize her story for profit.

"This film is a reminder that even in fiction, the media has a responsibility to be truthful and to respect the rights of those who have been wronged," Knox wrote. "My story is not a work of fiction; it is my life. And I will not let it be exploited for entertainment purposes."

In "Stillwater," Damon plays an American oil worker who travels to Marseille, France, to help his estranged daughter, who has been arrested for the murder of her roommate. The character played by Damon is inspired by Knox's case, but Knox has said that the film takes significant liberties with the facts.

The film's director, Tom McCarthy, has defended his decision to make a film inspired by Knox's case, saying that he believes it is an important story to tell. However, he has also acknowledged that the film is a work of fiction and that he took some creative liberties with the facts.

Knox's critique of "Stillwater" has reignited a debate about the responsibility of filmmakers to be truthful in their depictions of real-life events. Some argue that filmmakers have a duty to accurately portray the facts, while others argue that they have the freedom to take creative liberties in order to tell a compelling story.

