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Eurosatory 2024 Rebranding And Innovation

Eurosatory 2024: Rebranding and Innovation

Eurosatory's Evolving Identity

Eurosatory, a leading defense and security exhibition, has announced a rebranding initiative ahead of its 2024 event. The exhibition, now in its 55th year, will showcase a new logo and visual identity designed to reflect its ongoing evolution in a rapidly changing global landscape.

Continued Adaptation and Partnerships

The rebranding effort emphasizes Eurosatory's commitment to adapting to the demands of the industry and providing value to its clients and partners. The exhibition's goal is to foster innovation, showcase trends, and facilitate collaborations within the defense and security sector.

Details regarding the event, including the revised logo and visual identity, will be available closer to the event. Eurosatory 2024 will be held from June 17 to 21, 2024, at Paris Nord Villepinte. Stay tuned for further updates on this exciting event.
